There is a brilliance in these bodies.

— Prentis Hemphill

Core Packages

Embody to Expand

This is for the woman who is ready to step into the fullness of her Power, Pleasure and Purpose.

As women, there are many ways we are conditioned to stay small and sacrifice. This is for you if you are ready to claim your best life. Catalysts for desiring to live in abundance and joy can often be motherhood, career, divorce and relationships. Wanting your life to be the best it can be and noticing fear and self limitation getting in the way.

Throughout our lifetime and through generations, we are often living with trauma response patterns in our bodies. These come from collective wounding as well in our lived experiences. Through our work, we will explore what wounds are in need of healing and through attunement to your whole body and with love, we will work to activate your body’s unique abilities for healing.

Together we will explore where your nervous system is holding patterns of constriction and where you are ready to expand.

Motherhood: An Inward Journey

This is for the mother who is new to motherhood, preparing for and has been a mother for long time if you are desiring to best support your journey as a Mother.

There are few things that will bring to light our wounds, nervous system attachment patterns and places we are stuck that need healing like Motherhood. In this container, we explore how you can be the best support to yourself. How you can heal your nervous system, your attachment wounding and find access to deep love and acceptance for yourself.

And the beautiful part of this work, is the ripple effect. We can only give love to others as deeply as we can give to ourselves. As you learn to hold yourself in love, you naturally extend this gift to your children, becoming a beautiful partner in the attachment dance.

Transformative Somatic Coaching

Through our work together, you start to embody your highest self, your most authentic state of being. You were born with an authentic blueprint, a soul desiring to be expressed in the way only you can express. And, this world creates blocks that dim the light and radiance you are meant to shine.

Are you ready for your highest self to shine through? To remove the blocks and heal the wounds that have been holding you back from your most authentic self?

I specialize in working with women (self identified) who are successful and yet, they know that there is more to this life. They may be married, have children and are navigating a successful career and yet they are missing the joy and vitality they really desire. Sometimes these blocks show up as worrying, dissatisfaction in relationships, mothering feeling overwhelming and not as joyful as it could, work feeling monotonous or draining.

By healing wounds and clearing blocks, you start to actually enjoy your relationships, find fulfillment and purpose in your work, find joy in mothering.

Sometimes, the wounding and patterns wanting to be addressed are a more collective, ancestral wounding such as racism, whiteness, religion, patriarchy. These are wounds that greatly benefit from nervous system healing and can be addressed in sessions and packages.

Women who work with me start to embody their highest selves. This looks like feeling confident in their authenticity. People start to notice and give them feedback on how authentic they are. They no longer worry about people pleasing to make their decision, but live from a place where they are truly lit up by their life. They leave toxic relationships and find relationships where they feel truly respected seen and deeply in love. They rekindle marriages, really enjoy their partners and have more satisfying sex lives. They set boundaries with their mothers and mother in laws in ways that allow them to actually enjoy those relationships. They start to really love being present with and playing with their children. They leave jobs that were unfulfilling and find careers where they feel fulfilled and excited to go to work. They start living their dreams and buying dream houses.

Are you ready to fall more in love with yourself and your experience being human at this time?

I provide sessions and more comprehensive packages.


Weaving Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Parts Work, Attachment Patters, Inner Child Work, Spirituality, Earth Medicine and a Systemic Lens, I tailor each session to meet you where you are and where you desire to go.

For the woman who is ready to dive in and align to her purpose:

  • 1:1 55 minute sessions

  • sessions are $250 and can be purchased solo or in multiple sessions


Packages include sessions and the option of daily (Mon thru Fri) messaging both written and voice note. This support allows you to process and get support in real time around what is going on for you. If you are desiring a tailored support coaching package, reach out. We may be able to create something that is unique to you!

Current packages include:

Embody to Expand, Stewardship: Privilege and Power in the New Earth, Spiritual Reclamation and Motherhood: An Inward Journey

First, we get really clear on your goals, desires and dreams and identify what is holding you back …

  • conditioned mindsets

  • somatic and nervous system patterns developed from trauma

  • disconnection from your own self and divinity

Then, we get to work on the clearing and healing …

  • somatic healing

  • inner child healing

  • rewiring neural pathways

  • rewriting core beliefs

  • reconnecting to devotion

Finally, you begin to RISE with a grounded nervous system in connection to your inner power and confidence.

  • taking action towards your purpose

  • setting boundaries that honor you

  • acting from Love

available in 6 or 3 month options

6 months:

  • Exchange Pay in Full $7,998 or 6 monthly payments of 1,333

  • 16 sessions to be used within the 6 months

  • Voxer Support to integrate what we uncover in our sessions

  • Access to Masterclasses and other offers

3 months:

  • Exchange PIF $3,999 or 3 monthly payments of 1,333

  • 8 sessions to be used within the 3 months

  • Voxer Support to integrate what we uncover in our sessions

  • Access to Masterclasses and other offers


I provide leadership development as a consultant for professionals working within an agency. My leadership development packages include 1:1 coaching, group coaching and consultation for leadership profressionals and teams.

Topics covered under my consultation include providing trauma informed services, staff wellness, boundaries, embodied leadership principles and leadership with an anti-racist and equity lens.

Reach out for a free consultation to discuss what package would work best for you and your team.

Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean need to do it alone .

—Lisa Olivera

Reach out for a free phone consultation. Phone: 707-601-9734, Email: