
Accelerating Your Momentum in Your Passion and Taking Aligned Action

Accelerator, just what you were looking for to move

You are right there, just on the edge of something great, your higher timeline.

And, there is something getting in the way, some density. It is all over right now. You are doing your healing work, you are on your ascension path, but there is something that is just feeling off and with the right support, you know that you could move over the precipice and take the aligned action you are meant to be taking.

You’re on the verge of a breakthrough, but something holds you back from taking that aligned action you know you’re capable of. Whether it’s in your relationships, business, work life, or parenting, there’s a shift you’re craving, yet you can’t quite grasp how to achieve it.

You are like an instrument that has just been knocked out of tune, with the right tuning, instead of falling flat, you could be singing and shining for the world to experience.

Welcome to Your ATTUNEMENT.

1 90 minute session where we tune into your energetic and somatic field.

Identify the blockages, the density. Clear the blocks and get you moving with clear action steps on the timeline you are meant to be living.

Welcome to Your ATTUNEMENT.

1 90 minute session where we tune into your energetic and somatic field.

Identify the blockages, the density. Clear the blocks and get you moving with clear action steps on the timeline you are meant to be living.

This program is designed to help you:

  • Accelerate Your Momentum in Your Passion

  • So You Actually Take Aligned Action

Transform Overwhelm into Clarity

In just one powerful 90-minute session, you will:

  • Gain clarity on your deepest desires

  • Uncover and move through the blockages holding you back

  • Walk away with clear, tangible action steps that excite and motivate you

    Following the session, you’ll receive 3 weeks of ongoing support via Telegram, with one dedicated day each week for integration and accountability.

Client Results from Attunements

Client 1:

Starting Session: Feeling overwhelmed and considering giving up on her online coaching program.

After ACCELERATOR: Excited and in creative flow, with clear, tangible action steps to share her unique medicine and serve her aligned clients.

Client 2:

Starting Session: Feeling stretched too thin and exhausted.

After ACCELERATOR: Confident in setting new expectations in her 1:1 client containers, establishing supportive boundaries with her husband and children, and feeling excited and grateful for all she has.

Client 3:

Starting Session: Burnt out at work and struggling with setting boundaries with her mom.

After ACCELERATOR: Clear on the steps needed to support her well-being at work and confident in her ability to set and maintain desired boundaries with her mom.